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[주식] DPS(주당 배당금 : Dividend Per Share) 회사가 주주에게 지급하는 배당금을 총 발행 주식 수로 나눈 값 DPS = 배당금 / 주식수 주식 투자로부터 얻을 수 있는 현금 수익 (투자자에게 중요, 배당 직급 능력, 재정적 안정성) 2023. 12. 21.
[주식] BPS(주당순자산가치 :Book-value per share) 주당 순자산가치는 기업의 순자산을 발행 주식수로 나눈 것 순자산 = 기업총자산 - 부채 BPS = 순자산 / 주식수 BPR = BPS / 현재주가 (BPS가 1만원일때 현재 주가가 5000원이면 BPR은 0.5) 평가 - 주가가 BPS보다 낮은면 저평가 - 주가가 BPS보다 높으면 고평가 * BPS만으로 주식 가치 판단은 어려움. 2023. 12. 21.
[stable diffusion] art by acrylic pouring | wassily kandinsky | Henri Émile-Benoit Matisse masterpiece, best quality, (art by acrylic pouring:1.1 | wassily kandinsky | Henri Émile-Benoit Matisse:1.4), detailed, 8k, hdr, (realistic, photo-realistic:1.4) , raw photo, physically-based rending, professional color graded, colorful , small light-green Squares , Bubbles of different sizes and colors acrylic pouring Negative prompt: blur, blurry, spikes, text, watermark, label, Frame, Photo F.. 2023. 4. 28.
[stable diffusion] pablo picasso, large flat brush stroke, wassily kandinsky, acrylic pour art ((pablo picasso:1.2, large flat brush stroke)), (wassily kandinsky),masterpiece, best quality, (acrylic pour art:1.8), colorful, orange, blue, green line, gold triangle, swipes pouring, from left to right, very small gold triangle,twist, low hue, (large purple circle), black line Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 2.5, Seed: 1425596365, Face restoration: CodeFormer, Size: 1200x600,.. 2023. 4. 28.
[stable diffusion] Gustav Klimt, wassily kandinsky, acrylic pour art ((Gustav Klimt)), (wassily kandinsky:1.5), (colorful shiny:1.5),masterpiece, best quality, (acrylic pour art:1.8), colorful, orange, blue, green line, gold triangle, swipes pouring, from left to right, very small gold triangle,twist, low huge, (large purple circle) Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 2.5, Seed: 2016376527, Face restoration: CodeFormer, Size: 1200x600, Model hash: 70.. 2023. 4. 28.
[stable diffusion] Paul Cézanne, wassily kandinsky, acrylic pour art ((Paul Cézanne)), (wassily kandinsky:1.5), (colorful windyl:1.5),masterpiece, best quality, (acrylic pour art:1.8), colorful, orange, blue, green line, gold triangle, swipes pouring, from left to right, very small gold triangle, rainbow swipes, rolling swipe, twist, low huge, (large purple circle), black small bubble left top, black line Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 2.5, Seed.. 2023. 4. 28.
[stable diffusion] Paul Cézanne, wassily kandinsky, acrylic pour art ((Paul Cézanne)), (wassily kandinsky:1.5), (earthquake crack:1.6), (big bang in the middle:2.0),masterpiece, best quality, acrylic pour art, colorful, orange, blue, green line, gold triangle, swipes pouring, from left to right, very small gold triangle, rainbow swipes, rolling swipe, white outline, twist, huge, (large magenta circle), black small bubble left top, black line, black background Ste.. 2023. 4. 28.
[stable dissuin] Paul Cézanne, wassily kandinsky, jackson pollock, acrylic pour art ((Paul Cézanne)), (wassily kandinsky:1.5), jackson pollock, (clockwork in the middle),masterpiece, best quality, acrylic pour art, colorful, orange, blue, green line, gold triangle, swipes pouring, from left to right, very small gold triangle, rainbow swipes, rolling swipe, white outline, twist, huge, (large magenta circle), black small bubble left top, black line, black background Steps: 30, Sa.. 2023. 4. 28.
[stable diffusion] wassily kandinsky, jackson pollock, acrylic pour art (wassily kandinsky:1.5), jackson pollock, masterpiece, best quality, acrylic pour art, colorful, orange, blue, green line, gold triangle, swipes pouring, from left to right, very small gold triangle, rainbow swipes, rolling swipe, black outline, twist, huge, (large magenta circle), black small bubble left top, black line Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 2.5, Seed: 2845932904, Fac.. 2023. 4. 28.
[stable diffusion] wassily kandinsky, jackson pollock, acrylic pour art (wassily kandinsky:1.4), jackson pollock, masterpiece, best quality, acrylic pour art, colorful, orange, blue, green line, gold triangle, swipes pouring, from left to right, very small gold triangle, rainbow swipes, rolling swipe, black outline, twist, huge, (large magenta circle), black small bubble left top, black line Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 2.5, Seed: 2302574760, Fac.. 2023. 4. 28.